Suggest for Inclusion

If you know of a St Andrews based business, society or place or interest, then why not suggest it for inclusion it to the St Andrews Directory ?

Listings are completely free, so you're not committing the owner to any obligations or costs - just helping other users find their details on the world wide web. And if you are the owner, then feel free to submit details for your own organisation.

To keep the St Andrews Directory focused, and free of spam, all we ask is that your suggestion adheres to the following..

  • It must be relevant to the town of St Andrews ( Fife , Scotland )
  • For businesses, they must have a physical presence in, or close to, St Andrews
  • For societies their main postal address, location of the majority of members or primary meeting place, should be St Andrews
  • For places of interest, these must be located in, or close to, St Andrews

If you would like to suggest a change to an existing entry, then please refrain from using the form but please email full details to our Webmaster.

Please fill out the form below -

We very occasionally email entries listed in the Directory asking them to check their details. If you would not like to receive such emails (est. max 4 times per year) - then please let us know and your email address will be removed from our system. Addresses are not given to 3rd parties and are only used for communication relating to the Directory.

If you have any issues using this form, or have any general comments concerning the directory, then please let us know by sending an email to our Webmaster. He'll also be able to assist, if you're a business owner interested in an enhanced listing to further highlight your entry.

Any data supplied will be used to determine the validity of your request and to create the entry. We will not pass this data to any third parties. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion and without giving notice or explanation, to refuse to list any entry in the directory.

Rufflets Hotel

St Andy's Property Letting

Manufacturing & Other Businesses

Thank you for using the St Andrews Directory. If you'd like to add, amend or remove an entry or to amend or remove the email address we contact entries via, then please let us know here - thanks!!